Finding Aid of the Society of North Carolina Archivists Records, 1982 - 2003, ORG.163


Finding Aid of the Society of North Carolina Archivists Records, 1982 - 2003, ORG.163


The Society of North Carolina Archivists (SNCA) was organized in 1983 in response to a report by the State Historical Records Advisory Board that called for the formation of a statewide organization to foster communication among those responsible for the state's documentary heritage. The Society held its first meeting in 1984. It holds one meeting each year (although it held two meetings a year during the period of these records), and offers programs and workshops of interest to archivists.

Descriptive Summary

Society of North Carolina Archivists Records
Call Number
Society of North Carolina Archivists
15.100 cubic feet, 0.029 gigabytes
State Archives of North Carolina

Restrictions on Access & Use

Access Restrictions

Available for research.

Use Restrictions

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Org.163, Society of North Carolina Archivists, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC, USA.

Collection Overview

Records of the Society of North Carolina Archivists have been divided into thirteen series, including Annual Meetings, Awards, Committees, Correspondence, Financial Records, General Records, Membership, Minutes, Officers' Files, Photographs, Cassette Tapes, Computer Disks, and VHS Tapes, Publications, Miscellaneous and Over-Size Materials.

Arrangement Note

This collection is arranged chronologically within each series. Additional materials received in 2024 were processed into a series rather than interfiling.

Historical Note

A report, "Archives and Records Programs in North Carolina," issued in 1983 by the State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) recommended the formation of an organization to "foster the exchange of ideas among professional archivists, librarians who bear the responsibility for historical records, and other persons involved in the care of manuscripts." Acting on this recommendation, Dr. William Price, Jr., chairman of the board and director of the North Carolina Division of Archives and History, called a meeting of archivists and manuscript curators from throughout the state. Approximately thirty archivists and curators, representing religious, academic, and governmental repositories attended the exploratory meeting in Raleigh in October 1983. This group formed a steering committee that began work drafting a constitution and bylaws for the creation of a statewide archival organization.

The first meeting of the Society of North Carolina Archivists (SNCA) was held in Chapel Hill on March 9, 1984. At that meeting the membership adopted the constitution and bylaws and elected a slate of officers, with Richard Shrader serving as the first president. The original Executive Board was made up of five officers: the president, vice president/president elect, secretary/treasurer, and two members-at-large. In 1989, in response to a report from the Society's Long-Range Planning Committee, the board expanded to include a Publications chair, and the position of secretary/treasurer was split into two. Since then the board has further expanded, and now includes a Membership Chair, an Electronic Resources Chair, a Nominating Committee Chair, and a Development/Education chair, bringing the total board membership to eleven.

The constitution of the Society states that it will sponsor two meetings each year for the full membership, one in the spring and another in the fall. At each meeting the Society invites speakers and offers programs of interest to archivists at all levels of experience, who work with many different kinds of materials, and who operate in varying kinds of repositories, large and small. Speakers for these programs have included experts from within SNCA's membership as well as nationally known speakers, such as conservator George Cunha, and former presidents of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) David Gracy II and Steven Hensen. The Society has cooperated with other organizations with similar interests, such as the Mid-Atlantic Archives and Records Conference and the South Atlantic Records Conference, to hold joint meetings to facilitate communication with archivists in other regions and states. SNCA also sponsors workshops at many of the twice-yearly meetings, including some offered through SAA and some created and offered by members of SNCA.

The membership of SNCA voted in 2008 to discontinue meeting in the fall, and just have a full membership and business meeting in the spring. In addition to the annual programs and workshops, SNCA publishes a quarterly newsletter, The North Carolina Archivist, to inform its membership of the Society's activities and events or publications of interest to SNCA members. In the summer of 2002, the Society began publishing The Journal for the Society of North Carolina Archivists. The journal is scholarly in nature, with articles and book reviews contributed by the membership, and is published twice each year. SNCA has also published Archival and Manuscript Repositories in North Carolina: A Directory in 1987, and a revised edition of this publication in 1993.

SNCA Presidents:

1984-1985 Richard A. Shrader
1985-1986 Catherine J. Morris
1986-1987 Madeleine B. Perez
1987-1988 William E. King
1988-1989 Robert Benedetto
1989-1990 Morgan J. Barclay
1990-1991 Donna K. Flowers
1991-1992 Sue Ann Cody
1992-1993 Edwin Southern
1993-1994 John Woodard
1994-1995 Michelle A. Francis
1995-1996 Dennis Lawson
1996-1997 Linda McCurdy
1997-1998 Jan Blodgett
1998-1999 Russell Koonts
1999-2000 Timothy Pyatt
2000-2001 C. Edward Morris
2001-2002 Diana Ruby-Sanderson
2002-2003 Janis Holder
2003-2004 Katherine M. Wisser
2004-2005 Jason Tomberlin
2005-2006 Gwen Gosney Erickson
2006-2007 Monika Rhue
2007-2008 Blake Tyner
2008-2009 A. Christopher Meekins
2009-2010 Adina Riggins

Contents of the Collection

1. Annual Meetings, 1984-2012

Scope and Content:

This series includes records pertaining to the annual meetings, joint meetings, and workshops sponsored by SNCA. The records in these files are primarily publicity mailings, agendas, handouts from the programs and workshops, and evaluations. For planning information, see the Program Committee files.

2. Awards, 1998-2007

Scope and Content:

This series includes records related to the nomination for and award of the Gene J. Williams award, for the best paper written by a North Carolina graduate student on an archival topic for a graduate-level course, and the Thornton W. Mitchell award which recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding service to the archival profession in the state of North Carolina.

3. Committees, 1984-2011

Scope and Content:

This series includes committee records pertaining to projects for which each committee is responsible. The committees are divided into Ad Hoc and Standing Committees, and then arranged alphabetically

4. Correspondence, 1983-2010

Scope and Content:

This series includes general correspondence, as well as correspondence of various committees, the Executive Board, and the President of the organization.

5. Financial Records, 1984-2009

Scope and Content:

This series includes bank statements, budgets, Treasurers records and reports, records of various bank accounts, and Federal and State tax records.

6. General Records, 1983-2009

Scope and Content:

This series includes accession records from the State Archives, Articles of Incorporation, constitution and by-laws, policies, records retention schedule and other general records of the organization.

7. Membership, 1994-2009

Scope and Content:

This series includes membership directories, and general membership related records of the organization.

8. Minutes, 1984-2010

Scope and Content:

This series includes minutes from annual business meetings, various committee meetings, and Executive Board meetings.

9. Officers Files, 1984-2003

Scope and Content:

This series includes files of the President, Secretary, and Vice President of the organization.

10. Photographs, Cassette Tapes, Computer Disks and VHS Tapes, 1983-2003, undated

Scope and Content:

This series includes photographs, negatives, a VHS tape, cassette tapes and computer disks.

11. Publications, 1984-2014

Scope and Content:

This series includes a copy of the 1987 edition of Archival and Manuscript Repositories in North Carolina: A Directory, volumes of The Journal for the Society of North Carolina Archivists, brochures, and copies of the newsletter, The North Carolina Archivist.

12. Miscellaneous

Scope and Content:

This series includes materials that do not fit into any other series.

13. Over-size Materials, 1984-2011

Scope and Content:

This series includes Archives Week posters, and proclamations for Archives Day and Archives Week.

14. Addition of 2024: Records 2003-2016, 2003-2016

Scope and Content:

Addition received April 19, 2024 from SNCA President Stephanie Bennett. 1.4 cubic feet, arranged into Annual Meetings, Committees, Correspondence, General Records, Minutes, Officers' Files, Other Materials, Publications, and Miscellaneous.

Annual Meetings, 2011-2012

Committees, 2003-2016

Correspondence, 2010-2015

General Records, 2009, 2012, 2014

Minutes, 2007-2014

Officer's Files, 2010-2015

Other Materials, 2003-2013

Publications, 2004, 2007-2011


Subject Headings

  • Society of North Carolina Archivists
  • Society of North Carolina Archivists
  • Archivists--Societies, etc.
  • Archives--North Carolina
  • Societies--North Carolina--History, organization, etc.
  • Archives--North Carolina
  • Archivists--Societies, etc.
  • Societies--North Carolina--History, organization, etc.
  • Acquisitions Information

    Received from Officers of the Society; accessioned on March 4, 1988; December 11, 1989; December 17, 1991; February 12, 1992; May 18, 1992; August 16, 1995; September 14, 1995; April 22, 1996; July 22, 1996; June 23, 1997; May 27, 1998; December 21, 1999; September 25, 2000; and June 2, 2003.Records (2003-2016), 1.4 cubic feet, received from President Stephanie Bennett, April 19, 2024.

    Processing Information

    Processed and Finding Aid prepared by Elizabeth Preston, August, 2003.
    Revised by Gwen Thomas Mays in August 2016.
    Encoded by Elizabeth Preston, August 18, 2003; additional encoding by Ashley Yandle, May, 2010.

    Addition of 2024 arranged and described by Sarah Kirkgard, June 2024.