North Carolina Council of Defense Records, WWI 1


North Carolina Council of Defense Records, WWI 1


The North Carolina Council of Defense Records is composed of the original correspondence, subject files, financial records, organizational records, and operational materials created and utilized by the North Carolina Council of Defense from its formation on May 31, 1917, through the completion of an unpublished history of the Council by one of its members in 1932. The materials document the operations and war-time resources management of North Carolina, as well as of the county Councils of Defense in North Carolina. Correspondence from citizens and county officials regarding various war-time issues are represented in the collection. The collection also contains information, records, posters, and reports from other states' Councils of Defense; and training, promotional, and public awareness materials from the Council of National Defense. Overall, the collection documents the status of North Carolina's resources, government, and citizens throughout World War I. The records in this collection were accumulated from 1917 to 1933 by members of the state and county Councils of Defense, and deposited with the North Carolina Historical Commission by 1933.

Descriptive Summary

North Carolina Council of Defense Records
Call Number
North Carolina Council of Defense
1916-1921, 1928-1930, 1932-1933
12.640 cubic feet, 32.600 gigabytes
English French German Italian
State Archives of North Carolina

Restrictions on Access & Use

Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions on accessing this collection.

Use Restrictions

There are no restrictions on the use of this collection.

Preferred Citation

[Item name or title], [Box and Folder Numbers], North Carolina Council of Defense Records, WWI 1, WWI Papers, Military Collection, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, N.C.

Collection Overview

The North Carolina Council of Defense Records is composed of correspondence, newspaper clippings and articles, pamphlets, speeches, propaganda materials, posters, photographs, telegrams, notes, reports, official records, military preparedness handouts, war fundraising activity records, financial records, meeting minutes, and published and unpublished manuscripts relating to the organization and operation of the North Carolina Council of Defense from 1917-1933. The materials in this collection document the state's organization of its resources and departments, as well as the local defense operations of counties and cities in the state. The collection is subdivided into four series: Series 1: North Carolina Council of Defense; Series II: North Carolina County Councils of Defense; Series III: State and National Council of Defense Materials; and Series IV: Oversized Materials.

Arrangement Note

The North Carolina Council of Defense Records collection is arranged in four series and eight subseries. The series include: Series I: North Carolina Council of Defense; Series II: North Carolina County Councils of Defense; Series III: State and National Council of Defense Materials; and Series IV: Oversized Materials.

Historical Note

In an attempt to garner a united national support for the United States' involvement with the World War I effort, and believing in the imperativeness of uniting and expediting all measures for the coordination of a prolonged war effort, the U.S. Congress created the Council of National Defense with the passage of the Army Appropriation Act (39 Stat. 649) (also called the National Defense Act of 1916) on August 29, 1916. The Council of National Defense was a presidential advisory board that included six members of the President's Cabinet: Secretary of War Newton D. Baker (chairman of the Council); Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels; Secretary of Agriculture David Houston; Secretary of the Interior Franklin Lane; Secretary of Commerce William Redfield; and Secretary of Labor William Wilson.

The Council was assisted by an Advisory Committee nominated by the Council and appointed by the President of the United States. The Advisory Committee was composed of seven members, each with some special knowledge of some industry, public utility, the development of natural resources, or other special qualifications useful to the war mobilization effort. The Advisory Committee members were: Daniel Willard, President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor; Howard E. Coffin, Vice-President of Hudson Motor Company; Julius Rosenwald, President of Sears, Roebuck and Company; Bernard M. Baruch; Franklin Martin; and Dr. Hollis Godfrey, President of Drexel Institute.

The Council's responsibilities included "coordinating resources and industries for national defense" and "stimulating civilian morale." As President Woodrow Wilson said of the Council: "The Council of National Defense has been created because Congress has realized that the country is best prepared for war when thoroughly prepared for peace. From an economic point of view, there is very little difference between the machinery required for economic efficiency and that required for military purposes. The Council is organized for the creation of relations which will render possible in time of need the immediate concentration and utilization of the resources of the Nation."

The work of the Council grew more significant when the United States entered World War I in 1917. The federal government held a conference on May 2, 1917, in Washington, D.C., to facilitate the organization of state councils of defense, to which Joseph Hyde Pratt, state geologist, was appointed to represent North Carolina. The federal government used the conference to ask state governors to create their own local councils of defense to support the national war effort, with the goal being to cooperate with other state councils and the federal government in organizing and directing the resources of states, making them available and effective for national use. The state councils would also recommend changes in state laws to state legislatures, with the goal of the changes aimed at increasing the nation's ability to respond to the needs of the war effort.

At the start of America's entrance into the war, the Council coordinated resources and industries for national defense; stimulated civilian morale; coordinated the work of state and local defense councils and women's committees; and later studied problems of post-war readjustment of soldiers to civilian life and reconstruction of the nation's infrastructure. The Council of National Defense ceased its operations in June 1921.

After reading Joseph Hyde Pratt's report of the May 1917 national conference, North Carolina Governor Thomas W. Bickett appointed an Executive Committee to lead a state Council of Defense, and called for an organizational meeting in Raleigh on May 31, 1917, with the intention of forming the North Carolina Council of Defense. The committee members of the new state Council consisted of J. Bryan Grimes, D. H. Hill, George Howe, W. S. Lee, R. N. Page, Joseph Hyde Pratt, Mrs. James Eugene Reilley, F. E. Seeley, James Sprunt, C. C. Taylor, and George W. Watts. At the initial meeting, Hill was appointed Chairman of the North Carolina Council of Defense; B. R. Lacy, North Carolina's State Treasurer, was named treasurer; and W. S. Wilson, a state legislative reference librarian, was selected as secretary of the state council. The Executive Committee organized sixteen state level committees and identified potential chairmen for county councils in all one hundred counties of North Carolina.

For the entire duration in which the United States was involved militarily in the war, the North Carolina General Assembly was not in session. Therefore, the state's Council of Defense was unable to receive governmental appropriations and had to rely upon private donations to function. None of the council members, either at the state or local level, received any financial compensation for their services to state during World War I.

The North Carolina Council of Defense acted as a clearinghouse for information received from the Council of National Defense. One of the first statewide initiatives was the organization of a speakers' bureau to inform the populace of the causes of the war and the reasons for American involvement. Other speakers urged soldiers to take advantage of the offer of government insurance or intervened with deserters, urging them to return to the ranks to avoid prosecution. The state Council investigated the loyalty of applicants for positions in government agencies or service organizations, and encouraged college students to volunteer for community work efforts. After the erection of training camps in the state, the state Council formed a War Camp Community Service division to provide entertainment, recreational opportunities, and moral guidance for the trainees. In the fall of 1918, the state Council reviewed applications for building permits which sought exceptions to the nationwide prohibition of non-essential construction activity.

However, the bulk of the real work of the North Carolina Council of Defense was performed at the local level. Each county chairman was to appoint six members to his council, to organize committees that mirrored the state blueprint, and to create township and community councils. A Soldiers' Business Aid Committee was erected in each county to help soldiers deal with legal matters, such as the writing of wills. Local committeemen provided encouragement and assistance to soldiers' families, and interviewed individuals of doubtful loyalty to caution them against seditious activities. They also compiled reports concerning property owned by alien residents in their county.

Contents of the Collection

1. North Carolina Council of Defense

Scope and Content:

Series I is the largest series, and is composed of the original operational records and correspondence of the North Carolina Council of Defense and administrators. It is composed of six subseries, all based and titled on the original records groups donated in the 1910s and 1920s as part of the North Carolina Historical Commission's war records collection project.

History of the North Carolina Council of Defense

Scope and Content:

Subseries 1A contains the unpublished, original manuscript-written by Council member Joseph Hyde Pratt from 1929 to 1932-about the history of the council, which he called "History of the North Carolina Council of Defense, 1917-1920" (in three volumes). This history contains Pratt's original research on the Council's operations, based entirely on his own experiences, his own records, and the original records of the Council of Defense (housed after the war at the North Carolina Historical Commission).

Box 1
Box 1
History of the North Carolina Council of Defense, Volume 1 (unpublished manuscript), ca. 1932
Folder 1
History of the North Carolina Council of Defense, Volume 2 (unpublished manuscript), ca. 1932
Folder 2
History of the North Carolina Council of Defense, Volume 3 (unpublished manuscript), ca. 1932
Folder 3
Research Notes for the History of the North Carolina Council of Defense, ca. 1932
Folder 4

General Correspondence Files

Scope and Content:

Subseries 1B, General Correspondence Files, is composed of the original correspondence files of North Carolina Council of Defense Secretary W. S. Wilson and Chairman Daniel Harvey Hill Jr., composed between 1917 and 1921. This correspondence primarily contains responses by the Council to letters from the public, from various government agencies and departments, and from county council of defense boards. The correspondence includes appointments of individuals to positions on county councils; and documents the coordination of statewide war defense and resource management with county and national councils. This series also contains the financial records of the state's Council of Defense, including a financial ledger of from 1917 to 1918, receipts, and bank records from 1917 to 1920. The correspondence is arranged chronologically by date, with the undated materials and financial records located at the end of the series.

Box 2
Box 2
General Correspondence Files: 1917, May 1917
Folder 1
General Correspondence Files: 1917, June 1917
Folder 2
General Correspondence Files: 1917, July 1917
Folder 3
General Correspondence Files: 1917, August 1917
Folder 4
General Correspondence Files: 1917, September 1917
Folder 5
General Correspondence Files: 1917, October 1917
Folder 6
General Correspondence Files: 1917, November 1917
Folder 7
General Correspondence Files: 1917, December 1917
Folder 8
General Correspondence Files: 1918, January 1918
Folder 9
General Correspondence Files: 1918, February 1918
Folder 10
Box 3
Box 3
General Correspondence Files: 1918, March 1-13, 1918
Folder 1
General Correspondence Files: 1918, March 14-31, 1918
Folder 2
General Correspondence Files: 1918, April 1918
Folder 3
General Correspondence Files: 1918, May 1918
Folder 4
General Correspondence Files: 1918, June 1918
Folder 5
General Correspondence Files: 1918, July 1918
Folder 6
General Correspondence Files: 1918, August 1918
Folder 7
General Correspondence Files: 1918, September 1918
Folder 8
General Correspondence Files: 1918, October 1-15, 1918
Folder 9
General Correspondence Files: 1918, October 15-31, 1918
Folder 10
Box 4
Box 4
General Correspondence Files: 1918, November 1-10, 1918
Folder 1
General Correspondence Files: 1918, November 11-30, 1918
Folder 2
General Correspondence Files: 1918, Dec-18
Folder 3
General Correspondence Files: 1919, Jan-19
Folder 4
General Correspondence Files: 1919, Feb-19
Folder 5
General Correspondence Files: 1919, March-December 1919
Folder 6
General Correspondence Files: 1920, 1920
Folder 7
General Correspondence Files: 1921, 1921
Folder 8
General Correspondence Files: Undated, Undated
Folder 9
North Carolina Council of Defense Financial Ledger, 1917-1918
Folder 10
North Carolina Council of Defense Financial Receipts, 1918-1920, undated
Folder 11
North Carolina Council of Defense Bank Records, 1917-1920
Folder 12

Soldiers' Record Cards

Scope and Content:

Subseries 1C, Soldiers' Record Cards, are note cards which were compiled by the state Council of Defense, utilized for the writing of sympathy letters to the families of North Carolina soldiers who died in service in World War I. These note cards contain the name and rank of the soldier killed, as well as the name and hometown of the soldier's next of kin. They are arranged alphabetically by soldier's last name.

Box 5
Box 5
Box 6
Box 6

Subject Files

Scope and Content:

Subseries 1D, Subject Files, are the original topical correspondence and materials maintained by the North Carolina Council of Defense during the war. The subseries contains the correspondence of Council Chairman Daniel Harvey Hill Jr. and Council Secretary W. S. Wilson; publications made by the Council for promoting support of the war effort throughout North Carolina; and records and letters deposited with the North Carolina Historical Commission after the war by the chairmen of several county Councils of Defense. This series is arranged alphabetically by topic or subject matter. The Subject Files cover a variety of matters and themes common to the period of World War I, such as the American Red Cross's operations in the state; espionage suspicions and trails of alien residents suspected of being spies in North Carolina; various war-time committee records and correspondence; Liberty Loan drives and War Savings Stamps campaigns; the organization and administration of the North Carolina Council of Defense; Soldiers' Business Aid Committee materials; and the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) operations in North Carolina. Subjects covered feature the state's efforts to recycle materials for the war effort, such as scrap drives and household food management.

Subseries 1D also contains unique records of North Carolina citizens' reactions to the war and the war support effort. Information on the operation of North Carolina's draft boards and draft exemptions process document different counties' enlistment procedures during World War I (see Box 9, Folders 15-16). Box 9, Folders 9-14 contain information on North Carolinians who deserted from the U.S. military, and the attempts of officials to locate where these individuals had gone (including information on relatives that might be hiding the men out in the state). Box 11, Folder 14, features a typed record entitled "Prosecutions Under Selective Service and Espionage Acts. Eastern District of North Carolina, July 1, 1917-July 1, 1918," which contains the trial results for individuals in eastern North Carolina suspected of failure to register for the military draft or suspected of espionage for an enemy nation. Other interesting items include the role of women in war-time activities, such as related to the push for a Prohibition law to be enacted. Box 14, Folder 6-Prohibition Laws (Wilson County Petition) contains an original, signed petition from citizens of Wilson County, North Carolina, to a state representative urging the passage of Prohibition legislation during World War I.

Box 7
Box 7
Absent Voters' Law, July-August 1917
Folder 1
Agriculture, 1917-1918
Folder 2
Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 1917-1919
Folder 3
Aliens and Alien property in North Carolina, 1917-1918
Folder 4
Allotments and Insurance, September 1917-September 1918
Folder 5
Allotments and Insurance, October 1918-1919, 1921, undated
Folder 6
American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, 1918-1919
Folder 7
American Defense Society, 1917
Folder 8
American Red Cross Correspondence, June-December 1917
Folder 9
American Red Cross Correspondence, January-June 1918
Folder 10
American Red Cross Correspondence, July-September 1918
Folder 11
American Red Cross Correspondence, October 1918
Folder 12
Box 8
Box 8
American Red Cross Correspondence, November-December 1918
Folder 1
American Red Cross Correspondence, 1919, undated
Folder 2
American Red Cross Publications, 1917-1920
Folder 3
Anti-typhoid Campaign, 1917-1918
Folder 4
Army Boots and Shoes, 1917-1918
Folder 5
Boys' Working Reserve, 1917-1919
Folder 6
Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1917-1918
Folder 7
Committee on Conservation and Economy, 1917-1919
Folder 8
Committee of Coordination, 1917-1918
Folder 9
Committee on Employment, April-June 1918
Folder 10
Committee on Employment, Undated
Folder 11
Committee on Health and Sanitation, 1917-1920
Folder 12
Committee on Industrial Survey, June-October 1917
Folder 13
Committee on Military Affairs, June-September 1917
Folder 14
Committee on Public Information, 1917-1918
Folder 15
Box 9
Box 9
Committee on Publicity, 1917-1919
Folder 1
Committee on Research, June-October 1917
Folder 2
Committee on State Protection, 1917-1918
Folder 3
Committee on Transportation, 1917-1918
Folder 4
Committee on War Economy and Retail Deliveries, 1917-1918
Folder 5
Community Councils, 1917-1918
Folder 6
Community Singing, February-November 1918
Folder 7
Conference Committee on National Preparedness, February 1918, undated
Folder 8
Deserters, October 1917-October 1918
Folder 9
Deserters, November 1918
Folder 10
Deserters, December 1918
Folder 11
Deserters, January-February 1919
Folder 12
Deserters, March-December 1919
Folder 13
Deserters, 1920-1923, undated
Folder 14
Draft, Board and Correspondence, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 15
Exemption Board, Correspondence and Publications, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 16
Box 10
Box 10
Fairs, 1917-1918
Folder 1
Finance Correspondence, May-July 1917
Folder 2
Finance Correspondence, August-September 1917
Folder 3
Finance Correspondence, October-December 1917
Folder 4
Finance Correspondence, January-February 1918
Folder 5
Finance Correspondence, March-May 1918
Folder 6
Finance Correspondence, June-July 1918
Folder 7
Finance Correspondence, August-December 1918
Folder 8
Finance Correspondence, 1919-1920, undated
Folder 9
Food Administration Correspondence, 1917
Folder 10
Food Administration Correspondence, 1918
Folder 11
Box 11
Box 11
Food Administration Publications, Undated
Folder 1
Fosdick Training Camp Fund, 1917-1918
Folder 2
Four Minute Men, 1917-1919
Folder 3
Franking Privilege for Sate Councils, January-November 1918
Folder 4
Free Milk for France, Undated
Folder 5
French Visitors, January-March 1918, undated
Folder 6
Fuel Administration, 1917-1918
Folder 7
Governor's Appeals and Proclamations, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 8
Historical Records: (North Carolina Historical Commission), 1917-1919
Folder 9
Home Defense Leagues, Formation of, July 1917
Folder 10
Home Guard, 1917-1918
Folder 11
Housing Corporation, U.S. (U.S. Department of Labor), 1918
Folder 12
Interior, U.S. Department of, 1917-1919
Folder 13
Internal Conditions (Espionage Trials), 1917-1918
Folder 14
Labor, U.S. Department of (File 1), 1917-1918
Folder 15
Labor, U.S. Department of (File 2), 1918-1919
Folder 16
Box 12
Box 12
Labor, Workforce Supply and Issues, 1917-1919
Folder 1
League to Enforce Peace, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 2
Legal Committee of the North Carolina Council of Defense, 1917
Folder 3
Liberty Loans (Correspondence), 1917
Folder 4
Liberty Loans (Correspondence), 1918
Folder 5
Liberty Loans (Correspondence), 1919, undated
Folder 6
Liberty Loans (Miscellaneous), Undated
Folder 7
Liberty Loans (North Carolina Counties--Liberty Loan Committee), 1917-1918, undated
Folder 8
Liberty Loans (Publications) (File 1), 1917, 1919, undated
Folder 9
Liberty Loans (Publications) (File 2), 1917-1919
Folder 10
Library War Council, 1917, 1919
Folder 11
Livestock and Livestock Conservation Campaign, May-October 1918
Folder 12
Livestock and Livestock Conservation Campaign, November-December 1918
Folder 13
Livestock and Livestock Conservation Campaign, 1919
Folder 14
Box 13
Box 13
Mailing Lists (War-related Mailings), 1917, undated
Folder 1
Memorials (War Memorials Creation), 1918, undated
Folder 2
Miscellaneous Materials (File 1), Various dates
Folder 3
Miscellaneous Materials (File 2), Various dates
Folder 4
National Economic League, September 1919
Folder 5
Naval Reserve Force, U.S., 1916-1917
Folder 6
Negroes (African Americans and the Council of Defense), 1917-1918
Folder 7
Nurses and Nurses' Campaign, 1918, undated
Folder 8
Organization and Administration of Council: Annual Report, 1918
Folder 9
Organization and Administration of Council: Circular Letters, 1917-1918
Folder 10
Organization and Administration of Council: Meetings, Correspondence, 1917
Folder 11
Organization and Administration of Council: Meetings, Correspondence, 1918
Folder 12
Organization and Administration of Council: Meetings, Minutes, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 13
Organization and Administration of Council: Organization of Council of Defense, 1917-1920, undated
Folder 14
Box 14
Box 14
Organization and Administration of Council: Personalities, 1917-1919
Folder 1
Organization and Administration of Council: Press Releases, 1917, undated
Folder 2
Organizations (Miscellaneous Publications) (File 1), 1917-1920, undated
Folder 3
Organizations (Miscellaneous Publications) (File 2), 1917-1920, undated
Folder 4
Patriotic Education Society, Undated
Folder 5
Prohibition Laws (Wilson County Petition), ca. 1917
Folder 6
Public Health Service, U.S., 1917-1920
Folder 7
Public Service Reserve, U.S., 1917-1918
Folder 8
Publications, 1917-1920
Folder 9
Registration, 1917-1920
Folder 10
Salvation Army Home Service Fund, Undated
Folder 11
Saving Waste, 1918-1919
Folder 12
School Garden Army, 1918
Folder 13
Sedition, 1917
Folder 14
Ship Building, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 15
Skilled Workmen, Feb-18
Folder 16
Smileage Campaign, 1917-1918
Folder 17
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee Organization, 1917-1918
Folder 18
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Alamance, 1917
Folder 19
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Alexander, 1917
Folder 20
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Alleghany, 1917
Folder 21
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Anson, 1917-1918
Folder 22
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Ashe, 1917
Folder 23
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Avery, 1917
Folder 24
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Beaufort, 1917
Folder 25
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Bertie, 1917
Folder 26
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Bladenboro, 1917
Folder 27
Box 15
Box 15
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Brunswick, 1917
Folder 1
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Buncombe, 1917
Folder 2
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Burke, 1917
Folder 3
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Cabarrus, 1917
Folder 4
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Caldwell, 1917
Folder 5
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Camden, 1917
Folder 6
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Caswell, 1917
Folder 7
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Catawba, 1917
Folder 8
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Chatham, 1917
Folder 9
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Cherokee, 1917-1918
Folder 10
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Chowan, 1917
Folder 11
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Clay, 1917
Folder 12
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Cleveland, 1917
Folder 13
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Columbus, 1917
Folder 14
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Craven, 1917
Folder 15
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Cumberland, 1917
Folder 16
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Currituck, 1917
Folder 17
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Dare, 1917
Folder 18
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Davie, 1917
Folder 19
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Duplin, 1917
Folder 20
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Durham, 1917
Folder 21
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee---Forsyth, 1917
Folder 22
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Gaston, 1917
Folder 23
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Gates, 1916-1917
Folder 24
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Graham, 1917
Folder 25
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Granville, 1917
Folder 26
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Guilford, 1917-1918
Folder 27
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Halifax, 1917
Folder 28
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Harnett, 1917
Folder 29
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Haywood, 1917
Folder 30
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Hertford, 1917-1918
Folder 31
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Hoke, 1917
Folder 32
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Hyde, 1917
Folder 33
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Iredell, 1917
Folder 34
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Jackson, 1917
Folder 35
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Johnston, 1917
Folder 36
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Jones, 1917
Folder 37
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Lee, 1917
Folder 38
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Lenoir, 1917-1918
Folder 39
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Lincoln, 1917
Folder 40
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--McDowell, 1917
Folder 41
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Macon, 1917
Folder 42
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Madison, 1917
Folder 43
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Martin, 1917
Folder 44
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Mecklenburg, 1917
Folder 45
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Mitchell, 1917
Folder 46
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Montgomery, 1917
Folder 47
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Moore, 1917
Folder 48
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee- Nash, 1917
Folder 49
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--New Hanover, 1917-1918
Folder 50
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Northampton, 1917
Folder 51
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Onslow, 1917
Folder 52
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Orange, 1917
Folder 53
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Pamlico, 1917
Folder 54
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Pasquotank, 1917
Folder 55
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Pender, 1917
Folder 56
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Perquimans, 1917
Folder 57
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Person, 1917
Folder 58
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Pitt, 1917
Folder 59
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Polk, 1917
Folder 60
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Randolph, 1917
Folder 61
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Richmond, 1917
Folder 62
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Robeson, 1917-1919
Folder 63
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Rockingham, 1917
Folder 64
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Rowan, 1917-1918
Folder 65
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Rutherford, 1917
Folder 66
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Sampson, 1917
Folder 67
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Scotland, 1917
Folder 68
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Stokes, 1917
Folder 69
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Surry, 1917
Folder 70
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Swain, 1917
Folder 71
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Transylvania, 1917
Folder 72
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Tyrrell, 1917
Folder 73
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Union, 1917-1918
Folder 74
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Vance, 1917
Folder 75
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Wake, 1917-1920
Folder 76
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Warren, 1917
Folder 77
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Washington, 1917
Folder 78
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Watauga, 1917
Folder 79
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Wayne, 1917-1918
Folder 80
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Wilkes, 1917-1919
Folder 81
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Wilson, 1917-1918
Folder 82
Soldiers' Business Aid Committee--Yadkin, 1917
Folder 83
Box 16
Box 16
Soldiers' Families, 1917-1919
Folder 1
Speakers and Speakers' Bureau, 1917
Folder 2
Speakers and Speakers' Bureau, 1918
Folder 3
Speakers and Speakers' Bureau, 1919, undated
Folder 4
State Organizations for War Work, 1918-1919
Folder 5
State Reconstruction Committee, 1919
Folder 6
Student Army Training Corps, 1918, undated
Folder 7
Thrift Stamps, 1917-1919, undated
Folder 8
Tobacco Warehouses, Non-opening of, 18-Oct
Folder 9
Treasury Department, U.S., 1917-1919
Folder 10
United War Work Campaign, 1918-1919, undated
Folder 11
U.S. Sailors' House Window Display Sign, Undated
Folder 12
Vocational Education, 1918
Folder 13
Volunteer College Workers, 1918
Folder 14
War Camp Community Service, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 15
War Department, U.S., 1918-1920, undated
Folder 16
War Industries Board- Circulars and Forms, 1918, undated
Folder 17
Box 17
Box 17
War Industries Board--Non-war Construction, February-September 1918
Folder 1
War Industries Board--Non-war Construction, October 1-10, 1918
Folder 2
War Industries Board--Non-war Construction, October 11-31 1918
Folder 3
War Industries Board--Non-war Construction, November-December 1918
Folder 4
War Savings Committee, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 5
War Savings Stamps Promotional Signs, Undated
Folder 6
Women's Committee, 1917
Folder 7
Women's Committee, 1918-1919, undated
Folder 8
Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), 1917-1919
Folder 9

North Carolina Council of Defense Photographs

Scope and Content:

Subseries 1E, North Carolina Council of Defense Photographs, contains portraits of chairmen of county Councils of Defense, and portraits of some of the members of the state Council of Defense. These photographs were not taken at the time of the war; rather, they are photographs that were donated by members of these councils by request of the North Carolina Council of Defense chairman. Included with the photographs are letters to and from county and state Council members, seeking photographs for inclusion in the historical records of the Council. The photographs are organized alphabetically by the county from which the individual served, with each person identified on the back of the photograph.

Box 18
Box 18
North Carolina Council of Defense Correspondence Seeking Member Photographs, 1918-1919
Folder 1
North Carolina Council of Defense Members Portraits, Various dates
Folder 2
Studio portrait of George Howe of Chapel Hill, N.C. Howe was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Loble, Raleigh, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.1a
Studio portrait of George Howe of Chapel Hill, N.C. Howe was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Loble, Raleigh, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.1b
Studio portrait of W. S. Lee of Charlotte, N.C. Lee was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F2.2a
Studio portrait of W. S. Lee of Charlotte, N.C. Lee was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F2.2b
Studio portrait of Robert Newton Page of the town of Biscoe in Montgomery County, N.C. Page was a member of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F2.3a
Studio portrait of Robert Newton Page of the town of Biscoe in Montgomery County, N.C. Page was a member of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F2.3b
Printed engraving of Laura Homes Reilley of Charlotte, N.C. Reilley was the chairwoman of the Woman's Committee of the North Carolina Council of Defense, and a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense (undated) [Engraving by: E. G. Williams and Bro., N.Y.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.4a
Printed engraving of Laura Homes Reilley of Charlotte, N.C. Reilley was the chairwoman of the Woman's Committee of the North Carolina Council of Defense, and a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense (undated) [Engraving by: E. G. Williams and Bro., N.Y.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.4b
Studio portrait of Fred Loring Seely of Asheville, N.C., who was a pharmaceutical manufacturer, newspaperman, architect, and real estate developer. Seely was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F2.5a
Studio portrait of Fred Loring Seely of Asheville, N.C., who was a pharmaceutical manufacturer, newspaperman, architect, and real estate developer. Seely was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F2.5b
Printed engraving of James Sprunt of Wilmington, N.C. Sprunt was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Engraving by: Williams, N.Y.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.6a
Printed engraving of James Sprunt of Wilmington, N.C. Sprunt was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated)[Engraving by: Williams, N.Y.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.6b
Studio portrait of C. C. Taylor of Greensboro, N.C. Taylor was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Eutsler Studio, Greensboro, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.7a
Studio portrait of C. C. Taylor of Greensboro, N.C. Taylor was a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Eutsler Studio, Greensboro, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.7b
Studio portrait of George Washington Watts of Durham, N.C., one of the co-founders of the American Tobacco Company. Watts was a member of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Notman Photo Company, Boston, Mass.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.8a
Studio portrait of George Washington Watts of Durham, N.C., one of the co-founders of the American Tobacco Company. Watts was a member of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Notman Photo Company, Boston, Mass.].
WWI 1.B18.F2.8b
North Carolina County Councils of Defense Chairman Portraits (Alamance to Catawba), Various dates
Folder 3
Studio portrait of Lynn B. Williamson of Alamance County, N.C. Williamson was the chairman of the Alamance County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: White, N.Y.].
WWI 1.B18.F3.1
Studio portrait of J. A. Carpenter of Wadesboro, N.C. Carpenter was the chairman of the Anson County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F3.2a
Studio portrait of J. A. Carpenter of Wadesboro, N.C. Carpenter was the chairman of the Anson County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F3.2b
Studio portrait of F. M. Weaver of Asheville, N.C. Weaver was the chairman of the Buncombe County Council of Defense. He was also the Buncombe County Food Administrator during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: N. Brock Studio, Asheville, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F3.3a
Studio portrait of F. M. Weaver of Asheville, N.C. Weaver was the chairman of the Buncombe County Council of Defense. He was also the Buncombe County Food Administrator during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: N. Brock Studio, Asheville, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F3.3b
Studio portrait of D. H. Tillett of Camden, N.C. Tillett was the chairman of the Camden County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Faber Studio, Norfolk, Virginia].
WWI 1.B18.F3.4a
Studio portrait of D. H. Tillett of Camden, N.C. Tillett was the chairman of the Camden County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Faber Studio, Norfolk, Virginia].
WWI 1.B18.F3.4b
Studio portrait of John Yates Killian of Newton, N.C. Killian was the chairman of the Catawba County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Wharton & Tyree, Raleigh, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F3.5a
Studio portrait of John Yates Killian of Newton, N.C. Killian was the chairman of the Catawba County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Wharton & Tyree, Raleigh, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F3.5b
North Carolina County Councils of Defense Chairman Portraits (Chatham to Hoke), Various dates
Folder 4
Studio portrait of James L. Griffin of Pittsboro, N.C. Griffin was the chairman of the Chatham County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.1
Studio portrait of James L. Griffin of Pittsboro, N.C. Griffin was the chairman of the Chatham County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.2
Studio portrait of Frank Wood of Edenton, N.C. Griffin was the chairman of the Chowan County Council of Defense during World War I. The portrait was taken in October 1919 in Baltimore, Maryland (October 1919) [Photograph by: Perkins].
WWI 1.B18.F4.3
Studio portrait of E. R. Johnson of the community of Currituck, N.C. Johnson was the chairman of the Currituck County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.4a
Studio portrait of E. R. Johnson of the community of Currituck, N.C. Johnson was the chairman of the Currituck County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.4b
Studio portrait of William K. Clement of Mocksville, N.C. Clement was the chairman of the Davie County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.5
Portrait of John Luther Bridgers Jr. of Tarboro, N.C., sitting in a chair in a house with a bookcase in the background. A long-time lawyer and a commander of the Edgecombe Home Guards who was referred to as "Colonel," Bridgers was the chairman of the Edgecombe County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.6
Half-length portrait James K. Norfleet of Winston-Salem, N.C. Norfleet was the chairman of the Forsyth County Council of Defense during World War I. He was at one point the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.7a
Half-length portrait James K. Norfleet of Winston-Salem, N.C. Norfleet was the chairman of the Forsyth County Council of Defense during World War I. He was at one point the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.7b
Studio portrait of Rev. T. S. Crutchfield of Gatesville, N.C. Crutchfield was one of the chairman of the Gates County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: The Foster Studio, Richmond, Virginia].
WWI 1.B18.F4.8a
Studio portrait of Rev. T. S. Crutchfield of Gatesville, N.C. Crutchfield was one of the chairman of the Gates County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: The Foster Studio, Richmond, Virginia].
WWI 1.B18.F4.8b
Studio portrait of C. M. Vanstory of Greensboro, N.C., on November 23, 1918. Vanstory was the chairman of the Guilford County Council of Defense. He was also a member of the Committee on Transportation of the North Carolina Council of Defense. Vanstory formed the Guilford County Home Guards during WWI (November 23, 1918) [Photograph by: White, Greensboro, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F4.9a
Studio portrait of C. M. Vanstory of Greensboro, N.C., on November 23, 1918. Vanstory was the chairman of the Guilford County Council of Defense. He was also a member of the Committee on Transportation of the North Carolina Council of Defense. Vanstory formed the Guilford County Home Guards during WWI (November 23, 1918) [Photograph by: White, Greensboro, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F4.9b
Studio portrait of Raymond C. Dunn of Enfield, N.C. Dunn was the chairman of the Halifax County Council of Defense during World War I (1919) [Photograph by: Janvier].
WWI 1.B18.F4.10a
Studio portrait of Raymond C. Dunn of Enfield, N.C. Dunn was the chairman of the Halifax County Council of Defense during World War I (1919) [Photograph by: Janvier].
WWI 1.B18.F4.10b
Studio portrait of R. M. Oates of Hendersonville, N.C. Oates was the chairman of the Henderson County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.11a
Studio portrait of R. M. Oates of Hendersonville, N.C. Oates was the chairman of the Henderson County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.11b
Studio portrait of N. W. Britton of the town of Winton, N.C. Britton was one of the chairman of the Hertford County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: McGowan, Norfolk, Virginia].
WWI 1.B18.F4.12
Studio portrait of John Arch Currie of Raeford, N.C. Currie was the chairman of the Hoke County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F4.13
North Carolina County Councils of Defense Chairman Portraits (Johnston to Polk), Various dates
Folder 5
Contact print of a studio portrait of F. H. Brooks of Smithfield, N.C. Brooks was the chairman of the Johnston County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.1a
Contact print of a studio portrait of F. H. Brooks of Smithfield, N.C. Brooks was the chairman of the Johnston County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.1b
Studio portrait of J. K. Warren of Trenton in Jones County, N.C. Warren was the chairman of the Jones County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.2a
Studio portrait of J. K. Warren of Trenton in Jones County, N.C. Warren was the chairman of the Jones County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.2b
Printed engraving of R. S. Reinhardt of Lincolnton, N.C. Reinhardt was the chairman of the Lincoln County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Printing by: Dill & Collins Co., Philadelphia].
WWI 1.B18.F5.3a
Printed engraving of R. S. Reinhardt of Lincolnton, N.C. Reinhardt was the chairman of the Lincoln County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Printing by: Dill & Collins Co., Philadelphia].
WWI 1.B18.F5.3b
Studio portrait of W. C. Manning of Williamston, N.C. Manning was the chairman of the Martin County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.4a
Studio portrait of W. C. Manning of Williamston, N.C. Manning was the chairman of the Martin County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.4b
Studio portrait of H. M. Victor of Charlotte, N.C. Victor was the chairman of the Mecklenburg County Council of Defense. He was the also chairman of the Mecklenburg County Victory Loan Campaign during the war, and president of the Union National Bank in Charlotte (undated)
WWI 1.B18.F5.5
Studio portrait of H. M. Victor of Charlotte, N.C. Victor was the chairman of the Mecklenburg County Council of Defense. He was the also chairman of the Mecklenburg County Victory Loan Campaign during the war, and president of the Union National Bank in Charlotte (undated)
WWI 1.B18.F5.6
Studio portrait of J. G. McCormick of Wilmington, N.C. McCormick was the chairman of the New Hanover County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: N. Brock Studio, Asheville, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F5.7a
Studio portrait of J. G. McCormick of Wilmington, N.C. McCormick was the chairman of the New Hanover County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: N. Brock Studio, Asheville, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F5.7b
Studio portrait of J. C. Webb of Hillsborough, N.C. Webb was the chairman of the Orange County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.8a
Studio portrait of J. C. Webb of Hillsborough, N.C. Webb was the chairman of the Orange County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.8b
Studio portrait of T. T. Ballenger of Tryon, N.C. Ballenger was the chairman of the Polk County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.9a
Studio portrait of T. T. Ballenger of Tryon, N.C. Ballenger was the chairman of the Polk County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F5.9b
North Carolina County Councils of Defense Chairman Portraits (Randolph to Robeson), Various dates
Folder 6
Studio portrait of C. C. Cranford of Asheboro, N.C. Cranford was the chairman of the Randolph County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: J. C. Jones].
WWI 1.B18.F6.1a
Studio portrait of C. C. Cranford of Asheboro, N.C. Cranford was the chairman of the Randolph County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: J. C. Jones].
WWI 1.B18.F6.1b
Studio portrait of H. E. Stacy of Lumberton, N.C. Stacy was the chairman of the Robeson County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F6.2
Studio portrait of H. E. Stacy of Lumberton, N.C. Stacy was the chairman of the Robeson County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F6.3
North Carolina County Councils of Defense Chairman Portraits (Rockingham to Wilson), Various dates
Folder 7
Studio portrait of Robert Hairston of Reidsville, N.C. Hairston was the chairman of the Rockingham County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Dunford, Danville, Virginia].
WWI 1.B18.F7.1
Studio portrait of Robert Hairston of Reidsville, N.C. Hairston was the chairman of the Rockingham County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Dunford, Danville, Virginia].
WWI 1.B18.F7.2
Studio portrait of J. S. Efird of Albemarle, N.C. Efird was the chairman of the Stanly County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F7.3
Studio portrait of J. S. Efird of Albemarle, N.C. Efird was the chairman of the Stanly County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F7.4
Studio portrait of Mark Majette of Columbia, N.C. Majette was the chairman of the Tyrrell County Council of Defense during World War I (undated).
WWI 1.B18.F7.5
Studio portrait of Capt. Rudolph E. Walters of North Wilkesboro, N.C. Walters was the commander of the 55th Company of the Reserve Militia after being injured in military service in World War I. After the resignation of Chairman Charles C. Smoot III on July 27, 1918, Walters accepted the position as chairman of the Wilkes County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Lyles' Studio, Columbia, S.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F7.6a
Studio portrait of Capt. Rudolph E. Walters of North Wilkesboro, N.C. Walters was the commander of the 55th Company of the Reserve Militia after being injured in military service in World War I. After the resignation of Chairman Charles C. Smoot III on July 27, 1918, Walters accepted the position as chairman of the Wilkes County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: Lyles' Studio, Columbia, S.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F7.6b
Studio portrait of Walter F. Woodard of Wilson, N.C. Woodard was the chairman of the Wilson County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: N. Brock Studio, Asheville, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F7.7a
Studio portrait of Walter F. Woodard of Wilson, N.C. Woodard was the chairman of the Wilson County Council of Defense during World War I (undated) [Photograph by: N. Brock Studio, Asheville, N.C.].
WWI 1.B18.F7.7b

Joseph Hyde Pratt Papers

Scope and Content:

Subseries 1F is the Joseph Hyde Pratt Papers. Pratt was a member of the Board of the North Carolina Council of Defense (until called to active military service), and he served as the state representative to the National Defense Conference in Washington, D.C., May 2-3, 1917, for Governor Thomas W. Bickett. In 1929, Pratt began arranging his papers from his time as a member of the state Council, to use for the preparation of a history of the North Carolina Council of Defense's wartime activities. Pratt completed this history in 1932, but the work was never published (see Subseries IA, Box 1). This includes documents collected from 1917 to 1920 by Pratt, as well as the correspondence and research materials he gathered from 1921 to 1933 relating to the Council of Defense. The correspondence is arranged by date, with miscellaneous materials located at the end of the subseries.

Box 19
Box 19
Transcript of Proceedings of the National Defense Conference, May 1917
Folder 1
Preliminary Memoranda for National Defense Conference, May 1917
Folder 2
National Defense Conference Materials, April-June 1917
Folder 3
Pratt's Report on National Defense Conference to Governor Thomas W. Bickett, May 1917
Folder 4
Council of National Defense's Report on Organization and Activities of State Councils of Defense, June 1917
Folder 5
Report of Valuable Materials for Rapid Highway and Railroad Construction behind the Front for the State of North Carolina, Undated
Folder 6
Pratt Correspondence, April-May 1917
Folder 7
Pratt Correspondence, June 1917
Folder 8
Pratt Correspondence, July-October 1917
Folder 9
Pratt Correspondence, 1919-1920
Folder 10
Pratt Correspondence, 1928
Folder 11
Pratt Correspondence, 1929
Folder 12
Pratt Correspondence, 1930
Folder 13
Pratt Correspondence, 1933
Folder 14
Joseph Hyde Pratt Biographical Sketches, Undated
Folder 15
Miscellaneous Records, Various dates
Folder 16
Miscellaneous Records, Various dates
Folder 17
Manufacturer Records, 1918
Folder 18

2. North Carolina County Councils of Defense

Scope and Content:

Series II, North Carolina County Councils of Defense, contains correspondence about the organization of the county Councils of Defense; form letters sent to and by the county Councils; and correspondence of the chairmen for most of North Carolina's county Councils. Most of these materials were sent to the North Carolina Historical Commission by the counties following World War I. The series also contains miscellaneous documents related to various war-time programs, projects, and commemorations within each county. The series is arranged alphabetically by county, with most of the materials dating between 1917 and 1921. For many North Carolina counties, these are the only existing records of the operation of county Councils of Defense (apart from newspaper articles). The series is arranged alphabetically by North Carolina county's name.

Box 20
Box 20
Newspapers Clippings, Various dates
Folder 1
County Councils: Organization of, 1918, undated
Folder 2
County Councils: Form Letters to, 1917
Folder 3
County Councils: Form Letters to, 1918, undated
Folder 4
Alamance, 1917-1918
Folder 5
Alexander, 1917-1918
Folder 6
Alleghany, 1917-1918
Folder 7
Anson, 1917-1918
Folder 8
Ashe, 1917-1918
Folder 9
Avery, 1917-1918
Folder 10
Beaufort, 1917-1918
Folder 11
Bertie, 1917-1918, 1921
Folder 12
Bladen, 1917-1918
Folder 13
Brunswick, 1917
Folder 14
Buncombe, 1917-1918, 1921
Folder 15
Burke, 1917
Folder 16
Cabarrus, 1917-1919
Folder 17
Caldwell, 1917
Folder 18
Camden, 1917-1918
Folder 19
Carteret, 1917-1918
Folder 20
Caswell, 1917-1918, 1921
Folder 21
Catawba, 1917
Folder 22
Chatham, 1917-1918
Folder 23
Cherokee, 1917-1918
Folder 24
Chowan, 1917-1918
Folder 25
Clay, 1917-1918
Folder 26
Cleveland, 1917-1918
Folder 27
Columbus, 1917-1918
Folder 28
Craven, 1917-1918
Folder 29
Cumberland, 1917-1918
Folder 30
Box 21
Box 21
Currituck, 1917-1918
Folder 1
Dare, 1917
Folder 2
Davidson, 1917-1918
Folder 3
Davie, 1917-1918
Folder 4
Duplin, 1917-1918
Folder 5
Durham, 1917-1919
Folder 6
Edgecombe, 1917-1918
Folder 7
Forsythe, 1917-1919
Folder 8
Franklin, 1917-1918
Folder 9
Gaston, 1917-1918
Folder 10
Gates, 1917-1918
Folder 11
Graham, 1917-1918
Folder 12
Granville, 1917-1918
Folder 13
Greene, 1917
Folder 14
Guilford, 1917-1919
Folder 15
Halifax, 1917-1918
Folder 16
Harnett, 1917-1918
Folder 17
Haywood, 1917-1918
Folder 18
Henderson, 1917-1918
Folder 19
Hertford, 1917-1918
Folder 20
Hoke, 1917
Folder 21
Hyde, 1917
Folder 22
Iredell, 1917-1918
Folder 23
Jackson, 1917-1918
Folder 24
Johnston, 1917-1919
Folder 25
Jones, 1917-1918
Folder 26
Lee, 1917-1918
Folder 27
Lenoir (File 1), 1917-1918
Folder 28
Box 22
Box 22
Lenoir (File 2), 1918-1919, undated
Folder 1
Lincoln, 1917-1918
Folder 2
McDowell, 1917-1918
Folder 3
Macon, 1917-1918
Folder 4
Madison, 1917-1918
Folder 5
Martin, 1917-1918
Folder 6
Mecklenburg, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 7
Mitchell, 1917-1918
Folder 8
Montgomery, 1917-1918
Folder 9
Moore, 1917-1919
Folder 10
Nash, 1917
Folder 11
Nash, 1918, undated
Folder 12
New Hanover, 1917
Folder 13
New Hanover, 1917-1918
Folder 14
Northampton, 1917-1918
Folder 15
Onslow, 1917-1918
Folder 16
Orange, 1917-1918
Folder 17
Orange--List of Inducted Men, Undated
Folder 18
Box 23
Box 23
Orange--A Record of the War Activities of Orange County, 1917-1919 (108 pages), Undated
Folder 1
Pamlico, 1917-1918
Folder 2
Pasquotank, 1917-1918
Folder 3
Pender, 1917-1918
Folder 4
Perquimans, 1917-1918
Folder 5
Person, 1917-1918
Folder 6
Pitt, 1917-1918, 1921
Folder 7
Polk, 1917-1918
Folder 8
Randolph, 1917-1919
Folder 9
Richmond, 1917-1918
Folder 10
Robson, 1917-1918
Folder 11
Rockingham, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 12
Rowan, 1917-1918
Folder 13
Rutherford, 1917-1918
Folder 14
Sampson, 1917-1918
Folder 15
Scotland, 1917-1918
Folder 16
Stanly, 1917-1918
Folder 17
Stokes, 1917-1918
Folder 18
Surry, 1917-1918
Folder 19
Swain, 1917
Folder 20
Transylvania, 1917-1918
Folder 21
Tyrrell, 1917-1918
Folder 22
Union, 1917-1918
Folder 23
Vance, 1917-1918
Folder 24
Wake, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 25
Warren, 1917-1918
Folder 26
Washington, 1917-1918
Folder 27
Watauga, 1917-1918
Folder 28
Wayne, 1917-1918
Folder 29
Box 24
Box 24
Wilkes, 1917-1918
Folder 1
Wilson, 1917-1918
Folder 2
Yadkin, 1917-1918
Folder 3
Yancey, 1917-1918
Folder 4

3. State and National Council of Defense Materials

Scope and Content:

Series III, State and National Council of Defense Materials, holds records of the operation and programs of other states Councils of Defense and the Council of National Defense. Dating from 1917 to 1919, the series is broken into two subseries: Subseries IIIA: State Councils of Defense Materials, and Subseries IIIB: Council of National Defense Materials.

State Councils of Defense Materials

Scope and Content:

Subseries IIIA contains samples of publications, promotional materials, posters, handouts, and policies from other states in America, which the North Carolina Council of Defense utilized to assist it in developing new in-state programs and policies. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by states' name.

Box 24
Box 24
Alabama, 1918-1919
Folder 5
Arizona, 1917-1919, undated
Folder 6
California, 1917-1919
Folder 7
Connecticut, 1918
Folder 8
Connecticut, 1917-1919, undated
Folder 9
Colorado, 1917-1918
Folder 10
District of Columbia, 1919
Folder 11
Florida, 1918
Folder 12
Idaho, 1918, undated
Folder 13
Illinois, 1917-1918
Folder 14
Box 25
Box 25
Illinois, 1917-1918
Folder 1
Illinois, ca. 1920
Folder 2
Indiana, 1917, undated
Folder 3
Iowa, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 4
Kansas, 1918, undated
Folder 5
Kentucky, 1918
Folder 6
Louisiana, 1917, undated
Folder 7
Maine, 1918-1919
Folder 8
Maryland, 1917, 1919
Folder 9
Massachusetts, 1917-1918
Folder 10
Michigan, 1917
Folder 11
Minnesota, 1917-1918
Folder 12
Box 26
Box 26
Minnesota, 1919
Folder 1
Missouri, 1917-1918
Folder 2
Missouri, 1919
Folder 3
Nebraska, 1917
Folder 4
Nevada, 1918
Folder 5
New Hampshire, 1917-1918
Folder 6
New Jersey, 1917-1918
Folder 7
New Jersey, 1918
Folder 8
New Mexico, 1917-1918
Folder 9
New York, 1917-1919
Folder 10
North Dakota, 1917
Folder 11
Box 27
Box 27
Ohio, 1917-1918
Folder 1
Oklahoma, 1919
Folder 2
Oklahoma, 1917-1919, undated
Folder 3
Pennsylvania, 1917-1919
Folder 4
Pennsylvania, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 5
Pennsylvania- Press Information, 1917-1918
Folder 6
South Carolina, ca. 1917-1919
Folder 7
South Dakota, 1918
Folder 8
Tennessee, 1917
Folder 9
Texas, 1917, 1919
Folder 10
Box 28
Box 28
Utah, 1917-1918
Folder 1
Vermont, 1918, undated
Folder 2
Virginia, 1917
Folder 3
West Virginia, 1917, undated
Folder 4
Wisconsin, 1917-1919
Folder 5
Wisconsin, 1917-1918
Folder 6

Council of National Defense Materials

Scope and Content:

Series IIIB has materials sent to the North Carolina Council of Defense by the Council of National Defense during World War I. It is composed of correspondence, bulletins, circulars, press releases, and memoranda covering various subjects, such as the Council of National Defense's Woman's Committee. This subseries is arranged alphabetically by topic or title.

Box 28
Box 28
Commercial Economy Board, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 7
Community Councils, 1918-1919
Folder 8
Field Division--Bulletins, 1918-1919
Folder 9
Field Division--Circulars, 1918-1919
Folder 10
Field Division--General Letters, 1918-1919, undated
Folder 11
Field Division--Memoranda, 1918-1919
Folder 12
Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1917, undated
Folder 13
Miscellaneous Press Releases, 1918-1919, undated
Folder 14
Box 29
Box 29
Miscellaneous Publications, 1917, 1919
Folder 1
Miscellaneous Publications, 1917-1918
Folder 2
State Councils Section--Bulletins Numbers 3-20, 1917
Folder 3
State Councils Section--Bulletins Numbers 21-50, 1917
Folder 4
State Councils Section--Bulletins Numbers 51-80, 1917
Folder 5
State Councils Section--Bulletins Numbers 81-100, 1918
Folder 6
State Councils Section--Bulletins Numbers 101-116, 1918
Folder 7
State Councils Section--General Letters Numbers 1-20, 1917
Folder 8
State Councils Section--General Letters 21-50, 1917-1918
Folder 9
State Councils Section--General Letters 51-70, 1918
Folder 10
State Councils Section--General Letters 71-100, 1918
Folder 11
Box 30
Box 30
State Councils Section--General Letters 101-130, 1918
Folder 1
State Councils Section--General Letters 132-164a, 1917-1918
Folder 2
State Councils Section--Information Circulars, 1917-1918, undated
Folder 3
Woman's Committee, 1917-1918
Folder 4

4. Oversized Materials

Scope and Content:

Series IV consists of oversized items, such as posters and large certificates, originally folded and stored in regular file folders within the collection. The oversized items have been arranged by size within the corresponding size of archival storage boxes and acid-free folders. Each oversized item is described based on which original folder and series/subseries the item was located in prior to reprocessing of the collection. In brackets following the folder or item title is written the original box and folder for other locations within the collection WWI 1, from which the oversized items were formerly stored. Oversized Boxes 31 and 32 are stored on the archival storage shelves with the rest of WWI 1's collection boxes. The remaining oversized folders are now stored in the Military Collection Oversized Map Case.

Box 31
Box 31
U.S. Department of Labor--War Production Posters [Removed from Box 11, Folders 15-16], Undated
Folder 1
U.S. Department of Labor--War Production Posters [Removed from Box 11, Folders 15-16], Undated
Folder 2
U.S. Department of Labor--Post-war Posters [Removed from Box 11, Folders 15-16], Undated
Folder 3
U.S. Department of Labor--Post-war Posters [Removed from Box 11, Folders 15-16], Undated
Folder 4
U.S. Department of Labor--General Posters [Removed from Box 11, Folders 15-16], Undated
Folder 5
U.S. Department of Labor--Homeownership Promotion Posters [Removed from Box 11, Folders 15-16], Undated
Folder 6
Soldiers Business Aid Committee Certificates [Removed from Box 15, Folders 33 and 73; and Box 21, Folder 18], 1917
Folder 7
Camden County Patriotic Celebration Poster [Removed from Box 20, Folder 19], 17-Jul
Folder 8
Lincoln County Patriotic Picnic Poster [Removed from Box 22, Folder 2], Undated
Folder 9
Surry County War Event Posters [Removed from Box 23, Folder 19], 1918, undated
Folder 10
Raleigh U.S. Marine Corps. Recruitment Poster (2 copies), Undated
Folder 11
Box 32
Box 32
Indiana Council of Defense Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-3 [Removed from Box 25, Folder 3], 1917
Folder 1
Indiana Council of Defense Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 4-6 [Removed from Box 25, Folder 3], 1917
Folder 2
Indiana Council of Defense Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 8-10 [Removed from Box 25, Folder 3], 1917
Folder 3
Indiana Council of Defense Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 11-13 [Removed from Box 25, Folder 3], 1917
Folder 4
Indiana Council of Defense Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 14; 18-19 [Removed from Box 25, Folder 3], 1917
Folder 5
Indiana Council of Defense Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 20-22 [Removed from Box 25, Folder 3], 1917-1918
Folder 6
Indiana Council of Defense Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 23-25 [Removed from Box 25, Folder 3], 1918
Folder 7
Indiana Council of Defense Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 26-28; 30 [Removed from Box 25, Folder 3], 1918
Folder 8
Miscellaneous War Posters, 1917-1918
Oversized Folder 1
Surry County Parade Poster [Removed from Box 23, Folder 19]
Oversized Item 1
Unidentified North Carolina Draft Registration Parade Poster, June 5, 1917
Oversized Item 2
Colorado Council of Defense War Effort Poster [Removed from Box 24, Folder 10]
Oversized Item 3
Council of National Defense Thrift and Economy Poster [Removed from Subseries IIIB: Council of National Defense Materials]
Oversized Item 4
North Carolina Coastline Maps, Undated
Oversized Folder 2
Atlantic Coast Index Map, Southeastern Department, North Carolina [from Subseries IF: Joseph Hyde Pratt Papers]
Oversized Item 1
Atlantic Coast Index Map, Eastern Department, Virginia [from Subseries IF: Joseph Hyde Pratt Papers]
Oversized Item 2
Miscellaneous War Posters, Undated
Oversized Folder 3
"Four Minute Men" Theater Presentation Poster
Oversized Item 1
Vermont Council of Defense War Poster [Removed from Box 28, Folder 2]
Oversized Item 2
Vermont Council of Defense Vermont Infantry Volunteer Poster [Removed from Box 28, Folder 2]
Oversized Item 3
Nebraska Council of Defense Wartime Wheat Production Poster [Removed from Box 26, Folder 4]
Oversized Item 4
Connecticut Council of Defense "Why Germany Wants Peace" Poster [Removed from Box 24, Folder 8]
Oversized Item 5

Subject Headings

  • Bickett, Thomas Walter, 1869-1921
  • Hill, Daniel Harvey, 1859-1924
  • Robert Burton House, 1892-1987
  • Pratt, Joseph Hyde, 1870-1942
  • William Sidney Wilson, 1873-1918
  • North Carolina Council of Defense
  • United States. Council of National Defense
  • United States. Fuel Administration
  • Draft (Military service)--United States--1910-1920
  • Espionage--United States--History--20th century
  • Liberty bonds
  • Military deserters--United States
  • National War Savings Committee (U.S.)
  • Sedition--United States--History
  • United States Food Administration
  • United War Work Campaign, Inc.
  • World War, 1914-1918
  • 1914-1918--Military personnel--United States World War
  • World War, 1914-1918--Newspapers
  • World War, 1914-1918--North Carolina
  • Pamphlets World War--1914-1918
  • World War, 1914-1918--Posters
  • Propaganda World War--1914-1918
  • World War, 1914-1918--Recruiting & enlistment--United States
  • World War, 1914-1918--Social aspects--United States
  • World War, 1914-1918--United States--Education and the war
  • World War, 1914-1918--United States--History
  • World War, 1914-1918--United States--Literature and the war
  • World War, 1914-1918--War work--Boy Scouts
  • World War, 1914-1918--War Work--Red Cross
  • World War, 1914-1918--War work--Young Men's Christian associations
  • World War, 1914-1918--War work--Young Women's Christian associations
  • World War, 1914-1918--War work--Women
  • World War, 1914-1918--War work--United States
  • Raleigh (N.C.)
  • Acquisitions Information

    Gift, This collection was acquired in multiple parts by the North Carolina Historical Commission from 1918 to 1932. The bulk of the collection was acquired between 1918 and 1921 by Daniel Harvey Hill Jr., a member and Secretary from 1921-1924 of the North Carolina Historical Commission, and Robert B. House, the North Carolina Historical Commission's Collector of World War Records, since June 19, 1919. Hill also served as the chairman of the North Carolina Council of Defense's Historical Committee, which cooperated with the Historical Commission to collect and document the state's war-time history. All of the materials in this collection were acquired or collected as part of the North Carolina Historical Commission's on-going World War historic materials collection project, which was authorized by Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 144 of the North Carolina Public Laws and Resolutions in 1919.Most of the collection was acquired by the end of 1920, as listed in the 1918-1920 North Carolina Historical Commission Biennial Report. Elements of the collection-in keeping with the statutes of the 1919 law-were received after the end of North Carolina's involvement in war-time activities in 1920, as organizations and counties finally had time to compile their war records to send to the Historical Commission.The Joseph Hyde Pratt Papers (Subseries IF) was received from Joseph Hyde Pratt, a member of the North Carolina Council of Defense, in three separate donations, which were reported in the Biennial Reports published in 1920, 1930, and 1932.

    Processing Information

    The original North Carolina Council of Defense records were received by the North Carolina Historical Commission (present day State Archives of North Carolina) in multiple accessions from 1918 to 1932. The collection was apparently loosely arranged by creator, with the original organization of the records left intact. During the 1920s, the Historical Commission worked on arranging the World War I Papers in groups of common themes or creators. In 1964, Maurice S. Toler and John R. Woodard of the North Carolina Department of Archives and History prepared a finding aid for the "World War I Papers, 1903 to 1933," which consisted of thirteen series of records. This was the first known formal organization of the World War I, and a basic finding aid completed to the box and item level was finalized on June 30, 1964. From 1964 until 2014, as more World War I materials were received by the State Archives of North Carolina, the items were added to a new box at the end of each appropriate series.

    The Council of Defense records by 1964 had been subdivided into eight basic divisions, which were not numbered. The divisions are as follows: General Correspondence, 1917 to 1921, no date; Papers of Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt; Subject Files; History of the North Carolina Council of Defense; County Councils; Council of National Defense; Other States' Councils of Defense; and Soldiers' Record Cards. The original order and provenance of the World War I materials received by the State Archives from 1918 to 1932 was somewhat lost over time.

    The reprocessing of the collection, completed in June 2015, attempts to rejoin portions of the Council of Defense records, and to more logically organize the collection into numbered series and subseries to match the original acquisition records for the collection. For example, photographs of the Council of Defense and North Carolina county Councils of Defense members were stored in Series XII: Photographs and Postcards (which was created by 1964 artificially as a series). These photographs were moved to WWI 1 North Carolina Council of Defense Records, and organized in Subseries IE (see the North Carolina Historical Commission's 1918 to 1920 Biennial Report for justification for this reorganization).

    Paperclips and rusted metal fasteners were removed from the items in the collection. Original materials were removed from bindings which were turning acidic, causing damage to the materials. Newspaper clippings and newspaper articles which were retained were photocopied as preservation copies, to protect other archival materials in a given folder from being further discolored by the acidity in the newspaper clippings. Newspaper citations were retained on the preservation copy if such information was preexisting on the original newspaper clippings. Badly torn or faded documents were photocopied as preservation copies, to save the informational content of the records for collection users.

    Selected sets of photographs in the collection have been individually stored in an acid free, archival plastic sleeves to allow for researchers to handle the original image without causing damage to the image's surface, and to improve preservation during long term storage. The photographs have been numbered with a soft HB No. 2 pencil on the back, according to the collection number, the folder number, and an individual image number. For example, the number "WWI 1.B18.F3.1" should be interpreted as "WWI 1 collection, Box 18, Folder 3, Photograph 1." The identification of these images has been created in the finding aid; some have identifications written on the photographs themselves from previous archivists, the people pictured in the photographs, or by the archivists during this processing of the collection. Most of the photographs in Box 18 have corresponding letters sent by the people pictured in the photographs, indicating their contribution of their portraits to the records of the North Carolina Historical Commission.

    Oversized items such as posters and large certificates, originally folded and stored in regular file folders in the collection, have been relocated to Oversized Boxes 31 to 32, and Oversized Folders 1 to 3 (stored in the Military Collection Oversized Map Case). Each oversized item is described based on which original folder and series/subseries the item was located in prior to reprocessing of the collection. The collection has been processed to folder level, meaning that items within each folder are not typically arranged in any particular order or described individually (unless otherwise required based on the uniqueness of the materials). Where possible, the original collection's folder titles were retained. When added description was required to assist researchers to locate unique items in the collection, folder titles were supplemented with more detailed description in parentheses after the original folder title.